Seeking new trustees
As members will recall, three of our trustees stepped down at the AGM in July 2023. Before inviting applications for new trustees, the trustees decided that they would undertake a review of the skills, experience and perspectives they felt would be helpful to enhance the effectiveness of the board moving forward.
The trustees are also mindful of the following:
While our constitution allows for up to 12 trustees there is no need to fill all such positions now or in the future;
The provisions in our constitution relating to the retirement of trustees will mean that vacancies are likely to arise on a regular basis so that there will be opportunities going forward for interested people to apply to be a trustee.
The trustees have undertaken their review. The areas where they feel it would be helpful to gain additional skills, experience and perspective are the following:
An international perspective — all existing trustees work for or are partners in UK based organisations and our membership is increasingly international;
Roles outside legal and professional services –all existing trustees are either lawyers or work in law firms; and
A more junior perspective — all existing trustees have senior roles in their organisations, and it is felt that it would be helpful to get insight from a more junior perspective — we have no specific criteria in mind for this but as a guide it might be someone with up to around 5 years’ working experience.
It may well be that one person might fulfil more than one of these perspectives. As a result, the trustees are inviting applications to fill two trustee positions at this stage from member organisations. They have in mind that it might be helpful to a have a further trustee with clinical mental health expertise and we will pursue that separately.
We would ask you therefore to consider whether you or someone in your organisation would like to apply for one of the two trustee positions, bearing in mind the desired perspectives we have set out. Our trustee role description can be viewed below, which sets out how we see the role.
In terms of a process, those interested should contact Richard( in the first instance and he can supply an information pack which will provide more information about MBC and the strategic work of the trustees as well as answer any questions you may have. Applications should then be made to Richard and to Mary Peterson, chair of the trustees, at,including a CV and a covering letter. Applications should be made no later than 31 October 2023. We will then shortlist candidates for interview by Richard and a sub committee of existing trustees with a view to appointments being made before the end of the calendar year. Successful appointees will then be required, by our constitution, to be confirmed in role by a member vote at our next AGM in 2024.
Although there is no specific period of time that trustees must serve, we would encourage applicants to think in terms of a minimum of two years as a guide.
We look forward to hearing from interested people who want to contribute to the future of MBC.
MBC Trustee role description
NB This document reflects guidance from the National Council for Voluntary Organisations as adapted for MBC
The duties of a trustee are as follows:
- Ensuring that the organisation pursues its stated objects (purposes), as defined in our constitution, by developing and agreeing a long-term strategy;
- Ensuring that the organisation complies with its constitution, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations;
- Ensuring that the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its charitable objects (i.e. the charity must not spend money on activities that are not included in its own objects, however worthwhile or charitable those activities are) for the benefit of the public
- Ensuring that the organisation defines its goals and evaluates performance against agreed targets;
- Safeguarding the good name and values of the organisation;
- Ensuring the effective and efficient administration of the organisation, including having appropriate policies and procedures in place;
- Ensuring the financial stability of the organisation;
- Protecting and managing the property of the charity and ensuring the proper investment of the charity’s funds;
- Following proper and formal arrangements for the appointment, supervision, support, appraisal and remuneration of the chief executive; and
- Supporting the executive team and providing guidance to them from time to time.
In addition to the above statutory duties, each trustee should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the board of trustees reach sound decisions. This may involve scrutinising board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, or other issues in which the trustee has special expertise.
Person specification
- A commitment to the organisation
- A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort
- Strategic vision
- Good, independent judgement
- An ability to think creatively
- A willingness to speak their mind
- An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
- An ability to work effectively as a member of a team
- A commitment to Nolan’s seven principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
Our trustees meet every two months, normally for an hour and normally virtual. Meetings are scheduled well in advance. Trustees are expected to attend meetings unless work or holiday precludes this. In addition to these meetings trustees are expected to attend other events during the year, in particular our AGM which normally occurs in July and our Annual Event which happens in October (and is hybrid), unless they are on holiday or have a clash with critical work demands.
We have a chair and vice chair elected by the trustees and trustees take on strategic responsibility for particular areas (such as finance, new members and others).
Our constitution sets out the process for appointing trustees and for their retirement.
Those interested should contact in the first instance and he can supply an information pack which will provide more information about MBC and the strategic work of the trustees as well as answer any questions you may have.